Automated translations

Our wide range of translation services emphasizes the high accuracy and professionalism of our translators. Our services include written translations of various types of documents, interpretation for official events, editing and proofreading, as well as specialized services such as document legalization and content localization. We ensure confidentiality and personalized service, highlighting our commitment to meeting deadlines and the quality of translations.

Written translations

  • The subject of translation can include various civil status certificates, diplomas, reports, certificates, powers of attorney, declarations, corporate documents, contracts, offers, projects, financial, technical, medical documentation, etc.
  • Interpretation services

Interpretation services

  • Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for official discussions, meetings, negotiations, notarial transactions, or guest accompaniment.

Translation and editing

  • A comprehensive service that goes beyond basic translation, offering a detailed translation adapted to the desired perspective. Often referred to as "Translation-Editing-Proofreading," this approach to document translation is becoming increasingly popular because it ensures absolute quality, guaranteed by an expert team, virtually eliminating the possibility of errors.

Proofreading services

  • The difference between proofreading and editing is that editing is based on the source text, while proofreading focuses entirely on the goals of the text. This allows for the elimination of linguistic errors of all kinds. We specialize in proofreading translations for which our partners seek quality verification.

Editing of machine translation

  • Also known as post-editing, this service involves linguists correcting machine-generated translations. The concept of this service is related to preliminary editing. We offer two types of machine translation editing: light and full. In light post-editing, the main goal is to clear the translated text of major and semantic errors. In full post-editing, as the name suggests, a comprehensive edit is performed - correcting all linguistic and semantic errors and refining the text's nuances.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

  • Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is an opportunity for those seeking success through high-tech innovations and promising projects based on blockchain technology. The service includes translations of technical documents (White Papers), translations of crypto platforms and websites, translations of crypto blogs and books, translations of reviews and financial analyses, translations of manuals and investment documentation.


  • Transcreation in translation aims to use specific jargon, cultural nuances, dialect forms, and connotations to ensure that the reader experiences the emotions and sensations the author intended to convey. This type of content localization is often used in various contexts, including advertising content, software, websites and mobile applications, brochures, posters and flyers, literature, television shows, films, and series.


  • We provide specialized services for the legalization of all types of civil and corporate documents issued in the country and intended for abroad, in all ministries, agencies, and embassies. We also notarize translations of documents issued abroad and intended for use in Bulgaria in accordance with the new requirements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ensuring they are suitable for use before Bulgarian institutions.


  • We not only translate the text but also simultaneously adapt it to the specificities of the country where it will be used, taking into account the following factors: geographic area and conventions for writing dates, measurement units, time zones, etc.; culture, customs, traditions, linguistic nuances such as typical expressions, names, social and emotional connections, etc.; specificities of local and international market relations; legislative norms.

Multilingual Desktop Publishing

  • Desktop Publishing is a fundamental component in the internationalization of documents, including prepress preparation. By utilizing this service, you will be able to preserve your visual brand concept, the image you want to project to clients from other countries, and the unique combination of textual messages and graphic components. The key aspect of this type of translation is that you can present a document in one language, and we will ensure it is translated without losing its comprehensive idea. Our team will also take care of cultural adaptation if part of the graphic content is not suitable for the target audience in the respective country.

Translation Quality Assessment

  • The use of LQA (Language Quality Assurance) is a well-established translation practice in the B2B segment in the most developed economies worldwide. This service aims to analyze translated materials and provide an objective assessment of the quality of the final text. Conducting this type of review on completed translations involves engaging a third party to work with documents of various types. This independent assessment should objectively analyze several aspects of the materials, including language proficiency - both in the original and target languages, adherence to specific requirements, terminology consistency, and style.

Machine translation

  • The software tool for automatic translation by Simple Finance translates content from one language to another, encompassing all aspects of complex technologies and automatic translation systems. At Simple Finance, we provide automatic translation that meets the needs of your business and multilingual goals. The automatic translation software tool seamlessly integrates into the entire Windows/iOS ecosystem, allowing users to translate in 110 language combinations. The professional version offers a broad, unlimited terminology function and other settings, such as the option for the target text to be more formal or informal. Through automated translation, we offer: Unlimited text translation, full document translation, and integration into all corporate applications.