Human Resources and Training

We provide a comprehensive solution for all our clients' human resources needs - recruitment, employee outsourcing, and market research.

Simple Finance offers in-depth human resources management services, including personalized staff recruitment, employee training, and development. The organization provides staff leasing to flexibly address seasonal and project needs, and also offers strategic consulting and risk management. The services include team dynamics analysis and leadership potential assessment, as well as succession planning and corporate structuring to support the sustainable growth of clients' businesses.

Recruitment of Personnel and Executive Staff

  • We specialize in recruiting permanent employees for select employers across various industries. We tailor our approach to each requirement, providing a personalized recruitment service.

Staff Leasing

  • Recruitment, Hiring, and Personnel Management
  • Preparation, Registration, Conclusion, and Termination of Employment Contracts
  • Calculation, Preparation, and Payment of Salaries
  • Administration of All Employee-Related Processes
  • Human Resources Assessment and Development

Assessment and Development of Human Resources

  • Performance Evaluation: Regular assessments of employee performance, feedback on achievements and areas for improvement, identification of key competencies and skills.
  • Training and Development: Professional development and training programs.
  • Career Planning: Individual career development plans, mentoring and coaching, assistance with role changes and promotions.
  • Talent Management: Identification and development of high-potential employees, talent retention programs, motivation and engagement strategies.
  • Training Needs Assessment: Analysis of employee training needs, development of training programs tailored to the organization's requirements.
  • Competency Assessment: Tools and methodologies for assessing competencies, creation of competency profiles for various roles.
  • Potential Assessment: Methods for identifying future leaders, Assessment Centers for evaluation and development.
  • Organizational Culture Assessment: Analysis of current organizational culture, identification of areas for improvement, initiatives for cultural change and development.
  • Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Assessment: Conducting surveys and interviews with employees, data analysis, and providing recommendations for improvement.
  • Performance Management Systems: Development and implementation of performance management systems, maintenance, and updates of the systems.

Market Research and Consulting

  • Labor Market Research: Analysis of employment and unemployment trends, identification of scarce and surplus professions, study of salaries and compensation packages across various industries.
  • Competitor Analysis: Evaluation of competitors' HR strategies, comparative analysis of recruitment and talent retention practices, study of competitors' employer branding.
  • Workforce Research: Demographic analysis of the workforce, study of the skills and competencies of the available workforce, forecasts for future qualification and skill needs.
  • Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Assessment: Conducting surveys and interviews with employees, analyzing engagement and satisfaction levels, providing recommendations for improvement.

Personnel Administration

  • Preparation of Employment Contracts, Additional Agreements, and Termination Orders
  • Preparation of Civil Contracts and Payment Statements
  • Preparation and Maintenance of Employee Personnel Files
  • Preparation and Submission of Notifications under Article 62, Paragraph 5 of the Labor Code (LC)
  • Preparation of UP2 and UP3 Forms
  • Completion of Employment Records (Labor Books)
  • Preparation of Official Certificates
  • Processing of Documents for Temporary Disability, Pregnancy, and Childbirth, and Their Submission to the National Social Security Institute (NSSI)
  • Representation of the Company before Labor Inspectorate, National Revenue Agency (NRA), and Other Institutions Regarding Social Security (DSS), Health Insurance (HI), and Supplementary Mandatory Pension Insurance (SMPI)
  • Preparation of Internal Company Documents
  • Corporate Structuring

Corporate Structuring

  • Analysis and Research of the Company's Managerial and Hierarchical Structure
  • Development of the Company's Managerial and Hierarchical Structure
  • Preparation of Job Descriptions
  • Development of an Internal Company Communication Structure
  • Creating standardized administrative documentation
  • Developing an internal corporate certification model
  • Developing job competencies